Education Benefits
- 100% Tuition & Fees or $12,000 annual Room & Board
- $1,200 Annual Book Allowance
- $420 Monthly Stipend
*Minuteman & GRFD Scholarship Cadets will also receive monthly pay for Drill/Battle Assembly as Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP) Cadets.
*ARNG SMP Cadets on scholarship can use NJNG Tuition Waiver in-conjunction with ROTC Scholarship.
*Minuteman Scholarship Cadets Cannot use any GI Bill benefits with an ROTC Scholarship. GRFD scholarship winners can use GI Bill benefits if BCT & AIT Graduate.
- $420 Monthly Stipend from ROTC
- SMP Cadets will receive pay as an E-5/SGT
*Prior Service & SMP Cadets can use all education benefits earned from their enlistment/service (Post 9/11, Tuition Waiver, FTA, SLRP, etc.,)
*Can compete/reapply for an Army ROTC Scholarship.